Fine Arts

Performing Arts


Theater and drama do much more than get you onto the stage. From major productions to one-act plays, 这些表演提高了你个人的戏剧和音乐才能, challenge you to refine public speaking skills, and engage all types of students, 从男主角到技术人员都有机会.

— Julia G. ’21


  • Narrator

    Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

  • The Hamilton Conspiracies

    The Hamilton Conspiracies

  • Belle, Gaston, Company

    Disney’s "Beauty and the Beast"

  • The Abandoned Factory, 1949

    Radium Girls


Music Studies

威尼斯彩票游戏拥有丰富的音乐遗产,可以追溯到女子寄宿高中的早期,并一直延续到今天. 美术系为学生提供全方位的音乐机会, including lessons, performances, 裁判赛事以及高度的个人关注. Each semester, 歌手和乐器演奏家有很多表演机会, as well as student-run club offerings, 所有这些都提供了一个彻底的音乐基础,并有机会与朋友和更大的社区分享音乐的乐趣.

— Scarlett D. ’21

“钢琴对我来说真的很重要,威尼斯彩票游戏为我创造了一个探索自己兴趣的环境. (好几个地方)都有钢琴,所以我每天都可以练习.”

Year-Round Options for Students

List of 3 items.

  • PIano & Voice Lessons

    The school has resident teachers of piano and voice. 这使得学生可以在学习期间学习钢琴或声乐课程. Lessons can be taken for enrichment or for academic credit. 如果计入学分,学生必须在秋季上14节课,在冬季/春季上16节课. 选修音乐学分的学生必须参加两次学生独奏会(12月和5月). If lessons are taken for fun, Foxcroft provides some flexibility, including electing to take lessons every other week.
  • Other Musical Instruments

    Foxcroft enjoys musical partnerships with area arts programs. 任何在威尼斯彩票游戏上学的学生都可以学习他们热爱的乐器即使我们没有住校老师. To this end, 威尼斯彩票游戏与厄珀维尔的皮埃蒙99499威尼斯信誉社区音乐学校合作, VA. 他们的高素质教师擅长与各种音乐风格的不同水平的学生一起工作.

    这种合作将进一步支持学校社区的音乐需求和每个女孩的才能. 我们鼓励家长与学校联系,为他们的女儿安排课程。. 如果学生是寄宿生,威尼斯彩票游戏可以象征性地收取交通费用. Please click on the link for further information:
  • Acapella Club

    阿卡贝拉俱乐部是一个由学生组织的团体,女孩们聚集在一起唱歌 acapella (without accompaniment) in two, three, and four part harmony. The music is chosen by the group and varies in style and variety. All voices are welcome; however, there are auditions held to determine the voice type of each member.

    阿卡贝拉俱乐部每周聚会一次,并在早会上演出, Fall Parents’ Weekend revues, and the annual Christmas Pageant.

Performance Opportunities

List of 4 items.

  • Foxcroft Chorale

    这个班在晚上上课,对所有喜欢音乐的学生开放,并希望提高演唱二到四声部合唱作品的技能. Musical selections include a wide range in style and variety. The Chorale traditionally performs at the Parents’ Weekend Show, the Lessons and Carols Service, Christmas Pageant, the Mainstage Musical, Spring Concert, and Baccalaureate. 合唱团也可能参加国家合唱节,偶尔到社区参加当地的表演.
  • Ashburn Youth Symphonic Orchestras

    对合奏感兴趣的威尼斯彩票游戏学生可以选择参加阿什本青年交响乐团(AYSO)的试镜。, an educational and performance program, which is open to young musicians from ages 5 to 19. 它的使命是结合和加强管弦乐队学生的能力,并为他们提供一个机会,在一个新的环境中创造美丽的音乐:交响乐团!

    The 2017-2018 season consists of three concert sessions. 学生可以报名参加每场音乐会,并鼓励参加全部三场音乐会. 每次音乐会开始时将举行新生试演, depending on positions available in each orchestra. 分班试镜要求:两到三分钟的准备独奏,展示学生对乐器的熟练程度(可能是管弦乐队或乐队的节选)和视奏.

    要注册管弦乐队,请见Karin Thorndike注册并安排试镜. For more information about the AYSO, please visit their website.
  • Jam Session

    这个俱乐部每周聚会一次,并向所有喜欢音乐并希望在合奏中发展技能的学生开放. 音乐的选择在风格和种类上各不相同,包括流行音乐、乡村音乐、民谣和摇滚. Club members also write their own songs for performance. Students of all skill levels are welcome. The club typically performs at open mic events, Morning Meetings, and occasionally in the Middleburg community.

    Jam session is a faculty-guided organization.
  • Instrumental Music Club

    器乐俱乐部(IMM)是一个学生组织的团体,女孩们在其中演奏 any type of instrument (voice included), and play any 不同音乐风格的人可以一起演奏古典、爵士、摇滚和乡村音乐. 这个强大而活跃的俱乐部的主要目标是让学生们一起创作音乐,并与威尼斯彩票游戏和米德尔堡社区分享音乐.

    In previous years, IMM has performed in street shows in Middleburg, participated in multiple school events, 并为米德尔堡浸信会教堂和春树疗养院等当地组织举办音乐会. This year, the club plans to continue to learn and improve as musicians, to reach out to the community, and to have a lot of fun.

Facilities & Accommodations

在学习日和周末期间,学校有几个练习室可供使用. The spaces available are FoxHound Auditorium, the music room, and both first floor classrooms in Schoolhouse. 当这些空间可用时,还可以在活动室和舞蹈室进行练习. 学生可以使用两架1937年的施坦威“B”音乐会三角钢琴, digital keyboards, drums, guitars (electric and acoustic), amplifiers, music stands, and many other items required to practice and play for enjoyment. 把乐器带到威尼斯彩票游戏的学生可以把乐器放在自己的房间里,如果乐器足够小的话, or store them in the music room in Schoolhouse.

List of 4 items.

  • A Capella Singing Club

  • Music Lessons

  • Private Voice Instruction

  • Jam Sessions

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Private Instruction
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Chorale Signing Group
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Instrumental Music Club
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An all-girls boarding and day school in Northern Virginia, 威尼斯彩票游戏为9-12年级的年轻女性在大学和生活中取得成功做好准备. Our outstanding academic program offers challenging courses, 包括大学先修课程和创新的STEM项目. Our premiere equestrian program is nationally recognized, 我们的运动队赢得了会议和州冠军. Experience the best in girls' boarding schools: visit Foxcroft.
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